We excel in developing proprietary wind foundations and unique production technologies.
Our innovative fabrication, assembly, and installation methods, combined with strong in-house technical and operational capabilities, ensure expertise and efficiency in all our operations, always with an ambition to offer the best possible life cycle cost efficiency.
Our technologies and solutions are available for both projects which Odfjell Oceanwind has equity interests in, and projects where Odfjell Oceanwind is not an equity partner.
The business area is responsible for managing Odfjell Oceanwind’s Technology License Agreements (TLAs).
The flagship product is the Deepsea Star™ floater for large Wind Turbine Generator’s (WTG) and the Design department is responsible for the full cycle product development including marketing of the floater technology.

We leverage our solutions and capabilities in project development, participate in equity consortiums, and compete in seabed lease auctions.

We provide Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation (EPCI) services for floating offshore wind (FOW) park projects, along with Maintenance & Operations Management (MOMA) services for FOW parks.